Friday, 30 August 2019

Stamps with Crystals - Update

Category - Touch
Subcategory - Stamps with Materials affixed - Crystals

Liechtenstein 2019 Larimar Personal Stamp with Crystal

Issue date 4 July 2019 

A special issue Personal stamp created by the a Philatelic company Hermann E Sieger GmbH as part of a subscription service, and issued by Liechtenstein Post, a Larimar crystal stuck to the stamp featuring Tropical Cocktail Drink with Coconut and Pineapple on the stamp.

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Stamps with Crystals

Disclaimer - Information about the stamp issues on this page has been taken from the net and are for informational purposes only. No copyright claim is made for the above mentioned information/pictures. The pictures have been scanned from my collection.

Saturday, 24 August 2019

Metal Foil Stamps - Update

Category - Sight
Subcategory - Metal Foil Stamps - Silver foil / Odd Shaped Miniature Sheet / Odd Shaped Stamps

China 2002 FIFA World Cup

Issue date 16 May 2002

China Post to commemorate the 2002 FIFA World Cup to be held in Republic of Korea and Japan from 31st May to 30th June has issue 2 sets of stamps with silver foil printing. This was the first time the World Cup was being held in Asia and the first time for a Chinese Team to debut in the tournament.

Reverse of the souvenir sheet

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Metal Foil Stamps
Disclaimer - Information about the stamp issues on this page has been taken from the net and are for informational purposes only. No copyright claim is made for the above mentioned information/pictures. The pictures have been scanned from my collection. 

Friday, 23 August 2019

Stamps with Interactive Folds - Update

Category - Touch / Sight
Subcategory - Stamps with Interactive Folds / Odd stamped Stamps

Spain 2019 40th Anniversary of Election to European Parliament

Issue date 15 March 2019

In 2019, elections to the European Parliament are held from May 23 to 26 and to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Elections, Correos Spain has issued a special stamp printed in a special format that includes a die that simulates the introduction of an envelope in an electoral box.

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Stamps with Interactive Folds
Odd Shaped Stamps

Disclaimer - Information about the stamp issues on this page has been taken from the net and are for informational purposes only. No copyright claim is made for the above mentioned information/pictures. The pictures have been scanned from my collection. 

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Cloth Stamps - Update

Category - Touch
Subcategory - Cloth Stamps / Odd Shaped Stamps/Odd Shaped Miniature Sheet

Spain 2019 Final Four - Vitoria Gastiez 2019

Issue date 17 May 2019

To commemorate team Vitoria making to the final four of the Basketball Euroleague 2019, Correos Spain has issued a special premium sheet with special stamps which features the official ball of the competition that will be stamped and a real basket net attached to the stamp similar to those carried by the ones seen on the courts. 

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Cloth Stamps
Odd Shaped Stamps
Odd Shaped Miniature Sheet

Disclaimer - Information about the stamp issues on this page has been taken from the net and are for informational purposes only. No copyright claim is made for the above mentioned information/pictures. The pictures have been scanned from my collection.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Metal Foil Stamps - Update

Category - Sight
Subcategory - Metal Foil Stamps / Stamps with Augmented Reality 

Spain 2019 50th Anniversary Moon Landing

Taken from the Net as Scanned copy not clear

Issue date 13 June 2019

To commemorate Spanish contribution to the Moon Landing 50 years ago, Correos Post has issued a special miniature sheet with cold foil printing giving the sheet a metallic effect combined with Augmented Reality printing technology. The Augmented Reality can be viewed through the App 
‘Sellos RA Correos’ which can be downloaded on the mobile

At the height of the first moon landing, it was the Fresnedillas station ( Madrid Apollo , in the technical jargon of NASA), and its men who had the responsibility and honor to directly help the descent of the Eagle and its crew Armstrong and Aldrin. Armstrong's words: "The Eagle has landed." Were first heard in Fresnedillas before being heard in Houston. 

Spain was a major contributor through the Spanish National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA), which provided monitoring and control stations in Fresnedillas and Robledo (Madrid), and Maspalomas (Gran Canaria). Spanish technicians, with the Americans, constantly monitored the vital signs of the astronauts, and processed the avalanche of data that were being received from the Moon, while transmitting numerous instructions to correct their course and specify the place and time of the Moon landing. Not without merit, this irreplaceable support was called “The vital link”.  

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Metal Foil Stamps
Stamps with Interactive (QR/Bar/Augmented Reality/C) codes
Disclaimer - Information about the stamp issues on this page has been taken from the net and are for informational purposes only. No copyright claim is made for the above mentioned information/pictures. The pictures have been scanned from my collection.   

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Stamps with Metals affixed - Update

Category - Touch
Subcategory - Stamps with Materials affixed - Metals

Liechtenstein 2019 50 years moon landing - Anniversary stamp with the Apollo spaceship made of titanium attached

Issue date 21 May 2019

A special issue Personal stamp created by the a Philatelic company Hermann E Sieger GmbH as part of a subscription service, and issued by Liechtenstein Post, the anniversary stamp with the Apollo spaceship made of titanium! 

This edition is the number 2 of their three-part series, finished with a detailed, reduced replica of the Apollo spaceship made of fine titanium. 

In the original, it consisted exactly of two parts: the capsule, called command module, in which the three astronauts Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins took place, and the supply unit, called service module, with the fuel cells for the power supply, batteries, oxygen and fuel tanks and of course the mighty rocket engine including the 18 small control nozzles. The construction is a total of 11 meters long, has a diameter of 3.90 meters and weighs about 30 tons.

The anniversary stamp shows the spaceship with the command capsule "Columbia" during the lunar orbit - on board Michael Collins, while his two colleagues landed on the moon with the lunar module "Eagle".

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Stamps with Metals affixed

Disclaimer - Information about the stamp issues on this page has been taken from the net and are for informational purposes only. No copyright claim is made for the above mentioned information/pictures. The pictures have been scanned from my collection.

Sunday, 18 August 2019

3D - Holographic Stamps - Update

Category - Sight
Subcategory - 3D - Holographic Stamps / Embossed Stamps

Hungary 2019 Seuso Treasure II 

Issue date 08 July 2019

Magyar Post has issued the second in the series of Seuso Treasures (previous issue was in 2014) with 2 special embossed minisheet (one perforate black numbered and the second imperf with red numbers) with 3D holographic foil diffraction printing.

The minisheet features the seven objects - the Achilles Plate, the Meleager Plate, an amphora, an animal ewer, and the Hippolytus set, consisting of an ewer and a pair of situlae, or buckets for carrying water. The pieces of the Seuso treasure are characteristic accessories of a dining set for feasts. 

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3D - Holographic Stamps
Embossed Stamps 

Disclaimer - Information about the stamp issues on this page has been taken from the net and are for informational purposes only. No copyright claim is made for the above mentioned information/pictures. The pictures have been scanned from my collection.

Saturday, 17 August 2019

Glow in the Dark Stamp Under UV Stamps - Update

Category - Sight 
Subcategory - Glow in the Dark Stamp Under UV Stamps 

Austria 2019 50 Years Moon Landing - Apollo 11

Issue Date 20 July 2019

Austria Post has issued a special commemorative sheet to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the First Moon Landing by the Apollo 11 Mission. The special sheet when held in light in a room and the light switched off, the surface of the moon still glows in the dark.

The following video shows the glow in the dark properties of the stamp sheet where the few moments the sheet is exposed to UV light momentarily and then switched off, while the sheet continues to glow in the dark around the moon surface on the sheet.

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Glow in the Dark Stamp Under UV Stamps 

Disclaimer - Information about the stamp issues on this page has been taken from the net and are for informational purposes only. No copyright claim is made for the above mentioned information/pictures. The pictures have been scanned from my collection.

Friday, 16 August 2019

3D Anaglyph Stamps - Update

Category - Sight
Subcategory - 3D Anaglyph Stamps

Uruguay 2019 50th Anniversary First Moon Landing

Issue date 23 July 2019

To commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the First Moon Landing by Apollo 11 mission on 20 July 1969, Uruguayan Post has issued a special miniature sheet with 3D anaglyph printing.

A special Red and Blue glass was also sold along with the stamps

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3D - Anaglyph Stamps

Disclaimer - Information about the stamp issues on this page has been taken from the net and are for informational purposes only. No copyright claim is made for the above mentioned information/pictures/video.  The pictures have been scanned from my collection. 

Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Stamps with Interactive (QR/Bar/Augmented Reality/C) codes

Category - Sight
Subcategory - Stamps with Interactive (QR/Bar/Augmented Reality/C) codes 

Italy 2015 Juventus Football Club with QR Code  

Issue date 11 June 2015

To commemorate the 2014-2015 Italy Football League Champions, Italy Post has issued a special 9 stamps sheet with QR code printing with media content dedicated to Juventus FC, the team that won the Italian Serie A 2014-2015 soccer championship.

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Stamps with Interactive (QR/Bar/Augmented Reality/C) codes 

Disclaimer - Information about the stamp issues on this page has been taken from the net and are for informational purposes only. No copyright claim is made for the above mentioned information/pictures/video.  The pictures have been scanned from my collection. 

Sunday, 11 August 2019

Stamps with Interactive Folds - Update

Category - Touch / Sight
Subcategory - Stamps with Interactive Folds

Andorra Spain 2019 Christmas, Popular Scenes, Dioramas by J. Bofill - Miniature Sheet

Issue date 19 November 2018

Spanish Andorra Post has issue a special stamp presented in a special fold-out mini sheet format with perforations describing a nativity scene by Josep Bofill i Herrero (1911-1997).

Fold out

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Disclaimer - Information about the stamp issues on this page has been taken from the net and are for informational purposes only. No copyright claim is made for the above mentioned information/pictures. The pictures have been scanned from my collection. 

Saturday, 10 August 2019

3D - Motion Stamps Update

Category - Sight / Touch
Subcategory - 3D - Motion Stamps

Andorra Spain 2019 Concession of FHASA

Scanned Image

Image from the net

Issue Date 31 May 2019

In the year 1929, 90 years ago, the General Council of Andorra ceded the exploitation of the hydroelectric use of the rivers and lakes of Andorra to the private company Fhasa (Fuerzas Hidroeléctricas de Andorra, SA), with the condition that the company commits itself to the improvement and construction of road infrastructures.

In total, 41 kilometers of roads, three tunnels and eleven bridges were built, in addition to all the infrastructure necessary for the operation of the hydroelectric plant. Fhasa was rescued and nationalized in 1988 by the General Council of Andorra and was reconverted into the current FEDA (Electric Forces of Andorra).

Spanish Andorra Post has issued a special lenticular miniature sheet to commemorate the company that supplies the electricity since 1929. The lenticular sheet helps to illuminate and extinguish the lights of Andorra (one page has the daylight scene of the Andorra Valley while the other shows the lit up night scene of the valley from the same spot.)

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Disclaimer - Information about the stamp issues on this page has been taken from the net and are for informational purposes only. No copyright claim is made for the above mentioned information/pictures. The pictures have been scanned from my collection.

Sunday, 4 August 2019

3D - Holographic Stamps - Update

Category - Sight
Subcategory - 3D - Holographic Stamps

Thailand 1996 50th Anniversary Celebrations of His Majesty's Accession to the Throne Commemorative Stamps (4th Series) – Holographic stamp 

Issue date 09 June 1996

To pay homage to and to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej's accession to the throne a holographic stamp was issued.

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3D - Holographic Stamps

Disclaimer - Information about the stamp issues on this page has been taken from the net and are for informational purposes only. No copyright claim is made for the above mentioned information/pictures. The pictures have been scanned from my collection.

Friday, 2 August 2019

Stamps with Crystals - Update

Category - Touch
Subcategory - Stamps with Materials affixed - Crystals

Liechtenstein 2019 Indian Moonstone Personal Stamp with Crystal

Issue date 2 May 2019 

A special issue Personal stamp created by the a Philatelic company Hermann E Sieger GmbH as part of a subscription service, and issued by Liechtenstein Post, a Indian Moonstone crystal stuck to the stamp featuring two Deers on the stamp.

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Stamps with Crystals

Disclaimer - Information about the stamp issues on this page has been taken from the net and are for informational purposes only. No copyright claim is made for the above mentioned information/pictures. The pictures have been scanned from my collection.

Thursday, 1 August 2019

Stamps with Interactive (QR/Bar/Augmented Reality/C) codes - Update

Category - Sight
Subcategory - Stamps with Interactive (QR/Bar/Augmented Reality/C) codes 

Croatia 2011 Stamp Day Stamp with QR code

Issue date 09 September 2011

Croatia’s Hrvatska Pošta, commemorating 2011 Postage Stamp Day and celebrating 20 years of postage stamps in the country, has issued postage stamps featuring QR codes that can be used to track the mail and confirm delivery. 

The new stamp lets users receive instant delivery confirmation for the mail they send, as well as details of when it was shipped, how many kilometers it traveled and when it arrived. 

A dedicated website offers a variety of statistics about their travels, including an interactive map displaying all the points they’ve visited.

Each of the 3.10 Kuna (0.56 U.S. dollars) stamps has a unique code printed below the QR Code. Scanning the QR Code takes the user to a mobile site where the unique code can be entered and view confirmation on the receipt of your mail as well as additional data about its route. 

To view other stamps in this category click on the following link - 
Stamps with Interactive (QR/Bar/Augmented Reality/C) codes 

Disclaimer - Information about the stamp issues on this page has been taken from the net and are for informational purposes only. No copyright claim is made for the above mentioned information/pictures/video.  The pictures have been scanned from my collection.